I recently came across the mobile website GasBuddyToGo.com and its parent site GasBuddy.com
Here, you can check gas prices anywhere, anytime from your mobile phone. I decided to take it for a test run while on the run.
The site asks for a city, state or a zip code/postal code to find a gas station but the results returned blank. The only link available was for the home page.
I logged in (Thinking ahead, I registered on the site) and it gave me only 2 gas stations in my immediate area along with the ability to enter new prices. (NOTE: you need to get a login from their PC site in order to post prices from your mobile)
I noticed on the GasBuddy website that there is the ability to text message or email GasBuddy and have the results of up to 5 gas stations sent back to you. The text and emailing capabilities are free services but your phone provider may charge for texting.
I would recommend this to our CrackBerry Addicts only if you want to use the regular website on Opera instead of the mobile website.
Take GasBuddy for a test drive (pun intended) at gasbuddytogo.com from your mobile browser (hey, maybe it'll work for you) or at GasBuddy.com from Opera Mini.
This Review was done by StrawBerry@crackberryism.com
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device