Beyond 411 Search is a great tool. I use it almost every day, its an extremely easy tool to use. Simply type in the name of a business and it returns information such as phone numbers the addresses of local offices of that business or restaurant etc... Beyond 411s interface works intuitively with your blackberry by being able to click on a search result and either call it or get directions to it from either your home, office or other address or your current GPS location. It uses access to internet yellow pages to search for results and 99% of the info I got back was correct. Beyond 411 is very fast and seems to be very stable as well and works on all current blackberrys. The program uses quite a bit of bandwidth so an unlimited data plan is recommended for use. To download beyond 411 on to your blackberry mobile device simply visit from your BB. I give Beyond 411 a 4.0 out of 5
Note: the pictures shown are an example of an older version of Beyond 411 taken from found on google image search.
Sent from my CrackBerry® wireless device
1 comment:
411 on the bold is terrific
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